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What is Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure?
This state-of-the-art, family-friendly roller coaster – which Universal brags is the most themed one it’s ever done – takes you deep into the Forbidden Forest, joining Professor Rubeus Hagrid’s Care of Magical Creatures class as he introduces you to the various rare fantastic beasts that call the woods home (with the star of the show being the never-before-seen Blast-Ended Skrewt). It replaces the former (and beloved) Dragon Challenge coaster, which was open for Hogsmeade’s first seven years.
You can read our full review of Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure here.
Where is Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure located?
In The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Hogsmeade, which is in Islands of Adventure.
Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure – height restrictions and other factors
Height requirement is 48 inches; no Express Pass access; has a single-rider line (enter at and follow the regular queue until it splits for single riders). A test seat is available, and all loose articles must be stowed in lockers. Modified ride vehicles are available to assist guests in transferring from a wheelchair to the ride vehicle.
What is the setting of Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure?
Although the Forbidden Forest is quickly experienced in both Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey and Flight of the Hippogriff (where the front of Hagrid’s hut can be spotted), Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure is the first attraction to be exclusively set in this environment, replete with its mysterious beasties, new-to-the-mythology abandoned ruins, and myriad trees (there’s over 1,200 of them!). We explore why this is such a great location for adventure and why it’s such a perfect complement to everything else in Hogsmeade in our detailed write-up.
Who is the main character of Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure?
Rubeus Hagrid takes the leading role away from Harry Potter himself in the first Wizarding World ride in five years. And in order to bring the Care of Magical Creatures professor to life, Universal has created its most detailed and lifelike audio-animatronic figure yet, working with actor Robbie Coltrane in order to capture his appearance and essence – his face (and, even, his teeth) were digitally scanned, and his performance provided the basis for the robot’s 24 different body actions. And just in case that wasn’t enough, the animated figure’s face was “meticulously” hand-sculpted, all of its individual hair strands were carefully placed (including the eyebrows and lashes), and its costume was designed by the same team that furnished Coltrane’s attire in the various Harry Potter movies, and its now-iconic pink umbrella is an exact replica of the film prop.
It’s no wonder Universal is calling the seven-foot-six-inch Hagrid “hyper realistic.”
There’s still more to sink our (digitally scanned) teeth into, though. To understand just why the passing of the narrative torch from Harry to another Wizarding World protagonist is such a massive, potentially game-changing deal, please see our in-depth feature.
What is the Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure queue like?
Walk down paths that take you past the back of Hagrid’s hut, near the Black Lake (the first time the body of water has been present in Orlando!), into ancient ruins, and past a smorgasbord of Easter eggs – and that’s even before you meet Rubeus Hagrid and his good friend, Arthur Weasley. We explore the grounds with you in our guided tour.
What is the Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure ride experience like?

Each roller coaster “car” features two different seats, the motorbike and its side car, which provides two slightly different ride experiences (don’t worry – you won’t miss any sights or thrills along the way, no matter which one you choose). It is in these unusual seats that guests are asked to rendezvous with Professor Hagrid out in the Forbidden Forest to meet one of his Blast-Ended Skrewts (a never-before-seen-in-the-movies creature), but – in typical theme-park fashion – something goes horribly wrong: the motorcycles have a mind of their own and venture ever further into the woods.
As riders surge through multiple launches and hills, going as fast as 50 mph – including backwards! – they get the chance to spy a whole host of other magical creatures, including centaurs, Cornish pixies, and the iconic Fluffy, the three-headed dog. They also have to brave such obstacles as Devil’s Snare, the entangling plant, which requires a bit of novel motion in order to escape its clutches.
Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure – the creatures up-close
Universal has released photo highlights of the main audio-animatronic beasties you encounter during your Motorbike Adventure with Hagrid. First up: Fluffy, the giant three-headed dog, who weighs 8,000 pounds in his robotic form.

Then there are those mischievous little Cornish pixies, 20 of which appear in the ride, clustered around the Weasleys’ flying Ford Anglia (which has been lost in the Forbidden Forest for the past few years – and which was originally spotted in the former Dragon Challenge’s queue).

Devil’s Snare, that treacherous plant, ensnares you at one key moment during your journey through the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid.

A lone centaur encounters you on the ride, as well, and though he keeps his distance, that doesn’t make him any less formidable.

And, finally, making his “on-screen” debut, we have the Blast-Ended Skrewt, which stands up to 10 feet tall (with his tail) and eight feet long. That’s a big ‘un!

How scary is Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure?
We would rank Hagrid’s Motorbike Adventure four out of five Dementors in terms of scariness. Although the coaster’s not anywhere near as intense as Dragon Challenge was (which was riddled with inversions and massive hills), and although it doesn’t go upside down, it still features a 16-foot drop straight down that’s just long enough to give you a little jolt of adrenaline.
What you wished you knew before you experienced it
How many Easter eggs there are all throughout the ride, starting with its queue. (The most obvious one is also our favorite: the Dueling Club artwork on the ruins’ wall is a loving callback to Dueling Dragons, the original incarnation of the coaster that would eventually be called Dragon Challenge.) Be sure to keep your eyes peeled at every stage along the way!
What was Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure’s opening date?
June 13, 2019
Fun Fact
This is the very first Harry Potter ride to not feature the Boy Wizard himself, a trend which started with Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts, when Harry just pops up for a moment or two in both the queue and ride experience proper. We wouldn’t be surprised to see this continue in the years ahead – all the child actors have aged considerably over the course of the last decade, after all.
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When you first walk onto this ride, your eyes are drawn to the beautiful facade. Watching the ride cars go whizzing by. Once you enter the building, the beautiful interior is very well designed, featuring enough details that you will be entertained, but never overwhelmed.
Once aboard the ride, you go whizzing on what truly feels like a flying motorcycle. Motorcycle side is way better. I loved the surprise of the drop track. The unicorn animatronics are so cute and fun to watch.
My family & I loved Hagrid's ride, absolutely loved the ride. We started at rope drop and got in line, my Granddaughter & her friend got into front row on the 3rd car of the day after the VIP tours. My son & friend were closer to the middle of the car & I was in a last car. All 5 of us loved the ride& enjoyed the experience. The entire ride has amazing details both leading up to the ride & on the ride.
I will start by saying this is probably my favorite ride ever, in any park. It's not scary, with no inversions or big drops. It's just. plain. FUN! Love all the launches and the ride is SO smooth. I think the motorcycle seat is a BIT more thrilling, but the sidecar is just as fun. The theming is absolutely amazing as well, but I think even someone who has no clue about Harry Potter would enjoy the queue as well as the ride. One thing to note: we got there first thing in the morning on our first day and went straight to Hagrids and got on within about 20 minutes, which was awesome! But the downside is they didn't have the pre-show playing (I asked a team member and they said they only start playing it once the queue is full to that point, which is several rooms back from the loading area). We went back another time so we could see it. Definitely do the main queue at least once so you can see everything, but other than that the single rider on will get you on much more quickly.
My wife and I absolutely love this ride, we managed to ride it 9 times over the two weeks that we were in Orlando. The queues varied widely but generally were far less than indicated at the entrance point. We loved the “artefacts” and other visual areas such as Hagrids lodge, the halls with writing on the walls and other things, there are a few special ones for the Potter fans. The ride itself is fantastic, the sudden acceleration, the drops, the turns and the surprises...look out for the photo and video opportunities just after the Devils Snare on the left hand side..
Can’t wait to return in 7 weeks.
The first time I rode, I went on as a single rider to save time while my wife (who doesn't get into rides as much as I do) sat out. I can't tell you how awesome this ride was from start to finish. The moments of acceleration with the *vroom* of the motorcycle sound make it unlike any other rollercoaster I've been on. I intentionally did not watch a POV video prior to riding and I suggest anyone else do the same because there were unexpected surprises that made it even more enjoyable.
I loved it so much, I begged my wife to wait in line for 2 hours just to ride it with me, and she loved it!
Highly recommended to anyone visiting!
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