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Runamukka and Tot Tiki Reefs at Universal’s Volcano Bay

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Runamukka and Tot Tiki Reefs at Universal’s Volcano Bay

What is Runamukka and Tot Tiki Reefs?

Runamukka and Tot Tiki Reefs are Volcano Bay’s two children’s play areas, with the latter being designed exclusively for toddlers. At Runamukka, expect to see bubbling geysers and “fanciful bamboo sea creatures” alongside the more traditional water slides, guns, and dump cups; Tot Tiki, meanwhile, features a tot-sized water volcano and a family of friendly tikis, along with the standard water slides and spraying fountains.

Where are Runamukka and Tot Tiki Reefs located?

In River Village, which is in Volcano Bay.

Runamukka and Tot Tiki Reefs – height restrictions and other factors

Maximum height of 48 inches; no Express Pass access.

Runamukka and Tot Tiki Reefs – what you wish you knew before you experienced them

Runamukka and Tot Tiki Reef
Runamukka and Tot Tiki Reef

Keep an eye out for TapTu Play points hidden throughout the area.

How scary are Runamukka and Tot Tiki Reefs?

We rate Runamukka and Tot Tiki Reefs zerou out of five tiki tots in terms of fear factor. These are kiddie play areas, after all!

Runamukka and Tot Tiki Reefs – OI fun facts

Runamukka Reef’s backstory is that it was once an exotic underwater coral reef before being exposed. And at Tot Tiki Reef, kiddos will be able to control a collection of whales, raising and lowering their hands in order to make the “adorable” animals sing and spray water.

Runamukka and Tot Tiki Reefs – photo gallery

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OI Universal Center » Universal’s Volcano Bay » River Village