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Tour En Floo at Epic Universe

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What is Tour En Floo?

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Ministry of Magic at Epic Universe
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Ministry of Magic at Epic Universe

After your thrilling adventure on Harry Potter and the Battle at the Ministry, you’ll exit through the ride’s gift shop, cleverly named Tour En Floo. This name nods to your transport from 1920s Place Cachée to 1990s London via the Paris Métro-Floo. The shop promises to boast a global feel in both merchandise and atmosphere. Here, you can browse wands, stationery, sundries, and the stylish new Auror clothing line.

Where is Tour en Floo?

In The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Ministry of Magic, which is in Epic Universe.

What merchandise is sold at Tour en Floo?

While in-depth details about this store are shrouded in charms and enchantments, we can expect to shop wands, stationery, sundries, and more!

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