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Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon at Universal Studios Florida

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Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon
Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon’s facade

What is Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon?

Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon is an indoor simulator that takes place in a “flying theater.” The ride takes you through popular locations throughout New York City while highlighting characters from The Tonight Show, but the real star is its queue, which is all sorts of fun and interesting.

Where is Race Through New York located?

In New York, which is in Universal Studios Florida.

Race Through New York – height restrictions and other factors

Height requirement is 40 inches; has Express Pass access.

What is the Race through New York queue like?

Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon colored cards
Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon’s colored cards

At Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon, you will not wait in a physical line for more than a few minutes. Instead of spending a lot of time in line, guests will need to nab a return time on the Universal Orlando app through the Virtual Line function.

Once it’s your time to return, you will enter into the first waiting area and receive a colored card. You are free to roam this room, which acts as a kind of museum for all of The Tonight Show‘s history. You are also free to roam around the second section, which has Tonight games, seating, and clips. Then, when the second room lights up with your color, you move into the ride’s only line to receive your 3D glasses. This wait shouldn’t be more than five minutes.

Are you more interested in checking out the Ragtime Gals and meeting-and-greeting with Hashtag the Panda than in racing through New York? No problem starting in February 2018, Universal began handing out Entertainment Passes, which allow you to slip into the “queue,” see those precise elements, and then mosey on out of the building.

How does Race Through New York’s Virtual Line work with Express?

Express Passes work in a very interesting way with Jimmy Fallon (and other Virtual Line attractions): rather than rerouting you to a separate, shorter queue, the ride’s attendants will simply have you skip the return-time process, allowing you to walk right on whenever you’d like.

How scary is Race Through New York?

We rate this attraction a two out of five Hashtag the Pandas in terms of fear factor. It’s actually a tame motion simulator, comparable to Despicable Me Minion Mayhem.

What was Race through New York’s opening date?

Race through New York's grand opening
Race Through New York’s grand opening

April 6, 2017

Race Through New York – OI fun fact

Jimmy Fallon was the one to initially propose the idea for a ride centered around himself.

Race Through New York – photo gallery

Race Through New York – real guest reviews

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Orlando Informer
Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by Andrew borne
It sucks
Date Of Last Visit: April 7, 2017

An complete disaster. Interesting but poorly executed wait time design and the most boring, dated simulator imaginable. I've been on all the rides at both parks and this is by far the worst. It's even worse than despcicable me. 2/10

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