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8 Unique Photos of an Empty Animal Kingdom at Night


Disney’s Animal Kingdom is one of my favorite theme parks to visit in the world.

Not necessarily for the amount of thrilling attractions that this park has offer (if you know anything about this park, you’ll get that), but for the immersive experience that this entire park provides to you as a guest. My only issue with visiting Disney’s Animal Kingdom more frequently would have to be the Florida weather.

Because a majority of this park and its attractions are located outdoors, I usually spend a good part of the day sweating in the Florida heat with my camera bag on my back. It can really take a toll on the amount of energy that I have in a day. Because of this, I prefer to visit Animal Kingdom towards its closing time. Not only does the temperature begin to settle down a bit, but because I prefer to take empty park photos anyway. I feel as though my trip out to this park is well worth the couple of hours spent walking around and snapping away.

Additionally, there seems to be a peace that comes over this entire park as guests begin to exit. Couple the emptiness of a theme park devoted to wildlife with the sounds of Disney’s incredible soundtrack for this park, and you get a wonderful chance to live in the moment and enjoy what you have been given. All this while you grab some photos of a spectacularly detailed theme park!

1. Lighting the Tree of Life

The Tree of Life at Disney's Animal Kingdom
The Tree of Life at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

One privilege that a friend and I were given a couple of months ago was the chance to photograph the Tree of Life while it cycled through its many lighting schemes.

2. Avatar

The Tree of Life at Disney's Animal Kingdom
The Tree of Life at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Whether or not these colors are specifically meant for Avatar is unimportant, one thing is for sure: this lighting scheme makes the Tree of Life look beautiful.

3. Animal Kingdom’s hub

Hub at Disney's Animal Kingdom
Hub at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Granted, I walk this way whenever I am leaving Animal Kingdom. However I have never taken the time to look around and enjoy this angle that is not often admired inside of the park.

4. Dinoland U.S.A

Dinoland at Disney's Animal Kingdom
Dinoland at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Though I am not a fan of Dinoland U.S.A, it still holds one of my favorite rides inside of the park: Dinosaur.

5. Thank you for Visiting

Dinoland at Disney's Animal Kingdom
Dinoland at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

And as you walk underneath this sign, you ask yourself, “Where to next?”

6. Moon over the Trees

Tree of Life at Disney's Animal Kingdom
Tree of Life at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

I could not have asked for better placement of the moon when I set up to take this photo. Unfortunately, I was escorted away from this section of the park shortly after snapping this photo.

7. Connecting Asia and Discovery Island

Discovery Island at Disney's Animal Kingdom
Discovery Island at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

The bridge that runs between Asia and Discovery Island has to be my favorite bridge out of the four to photograph in the entire park. The masonry work is incredible to me.

8. Leaving Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Entrance at Disney's Animal Kingdom
Entrance at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

After a good night of shooting inside of Disney’s Animal Kingdom, I like to close out with a photo of the ticket booths right outside of the gates to the park. These have to be the most detailed ticket booths out of all four Walt Disney World theme park ticket booths.

What is your favorite photo of Disney’s Animal Kingdom featured here? Let us know in the comments below.


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About Trevor Aydelotte

Trevor Aydelotte is an aspiring photographer that lives in the Central Florida area. He enjoys anything Orlando, spending time in the gym, and watching his Florida Gators battle it out during the college football season. For more of Trevor’s photography, simply search for ‘orlandobrothas’ on Flickr, Facebook, and Instagram.

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