Comments on: Rumor SPOTLIGHT for January 3, 2014: CityWalk 2.0 vs. Disney Springs vs. the Orlando Eye #1 Universal Orlando vacation planning website Thu, 26 Jul 2018 04:40:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: JasonLoller Wed, 29 Jan 2014 01:31:08 +0000 Never forgave Disney for closing Pleasure Island, especially Mannequins Dance Palace and I hope Universal doesn’t make the same mistake and close The Groove. I don’t visit Downtown Disney anymore just for this reason and don’t care about their new outlet mall aka Disney Springs. If they can’t bring Mannequins back I won’t be back and if Universal closes The Groove I won’t be going to City Walk anymore either.

By: Marc N Kleinhenz Wed, 08 Jan 2014 17:46:35 +0000 In reply to Countingthedays.

CountingthedaysI think that’s (more than likely) spot-on.  It’ll be interesting to see when — if? — they reveal the ace up their sleeves…

By: OrlandoInformer Wed, 08 Jan 2014 17:39:35 +0000 In reply to RickyinFL.

@RickyinFLJust a quick FYI – Saratoga Springs is within walking distance. In fact, the DTD / Saratoga Springs loop is one of our favorite walks at Disney 🙂

By: OrlandoInformer Wed, 08 Jan 2014 17:37:42 +0000 In reply to Countingthedays.

CountingthedaysI like the way you think 🙂

By: Countingthedays Wed, 08 Jan 2014 17:08:13 +0000 My money is on a “dungeons” for the eye’s secret attraction. Merlin’s big thing is sea life, tussauds and dungeons cluster. They have a lego land and an eye, so that’s what it’ll be hands down since it’s not big enough for a theme park.

By: Marc N Kleinhenz Mon, 06 Jan 2014 14:15:17 +0000 In reply to KevyB.

@KevyBInteresting analysis.  Thanks for the comments — they’re definitely insightful.  =)

By: Marc N Kleinhenz Mon, 06 Jan 2014 14:13:14 +0000 In reply to RickyinFL.

@RickyinFLOnly one or two scenes of the Blue Man Group show are exclusive to Orlando.

And I didn’t mean to imply that CityWalk didn’t have either a movie theater or concert venue.  =)


By: RickyinFL Sun, 05 Jan 2014 18:04:17 +0000 Blue Man Group and Cirque are exactly the same. Both are “nationally available” but have “dedicated” shows in their Orlando Locations. That’s why you always see the same promo materials for La Nouba and BMG here in orlando, because the parent companies are very strict about which details of the show they can reveal for promo. “maintaining the mystique”
Also, CityWalk totally has a movie theater, just as overpriced as Disney’s. And there’s definitely a concert venue too. I’ve seen some great shows at Hard Rock live and Velvet Lounge. Also, all UO themeparks and resorts are walking distance from CityWalk. NO disney parks or hotels are within walking distance of DD.

By: Puff Sun, 05 Jan 2014 14:29:10 +0000 Thanks for mentioning the Adventurer’s Club.  The day after the AC closed is the day I first purchased a Universal Annual Pass.  I really do not believe that the California Disney execs knew what they had in the Adventurer’s Club.

By: KevyB Sat, 04 Jan 2014 02:57:53 +0000 My biggest problem with the Orlando Eye is: What’s there to look at? Orlando isn’t the greatest place to look at from up above. Disney World is too far away but, I guess, you’ll be able to just make out Universal and SeaWorld. So… yay? Still, it’s a good roundup of attractions and sounds like a definite must-see. Disney Springs, which will never get 150 tenants, is STiLL going to be somewhere for people staying in WDW and few people outside the resort will bother. And without much of a nightclub scene, I think CityWalk is going to lose its luster among the locals, meaning it too will be for onsite guests. But it should also appeal to people staying in the crowded I-Drive area, as WDW is just too far from there to be a convenient night out.

By: Luke Williams Fri, 03 Jan 2014 21:26:22 +0000 The Orlando Eye looks amazing x

By: Joren LeGoullon Fri, 03 Jan 2014 21:25:32 +0000 Thank for providing me great info while I’m at work. Can’t wait to check out everything in October.

By: Jorge X. Arnoldson Fri, 03 Jan 2014 21:21:52 +0000 Orlando Eye looks great!
