Comments on: Universal Studios Florida trip report – October 2013 (changes in Springfield, Diagon Alley construction update & more) #1 Universal Orlando vacation planning website Thu, 26 Jul 2018 05:02:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa Cosgrove Wed, 16 Oct 2013 08:52:09 +0000 Totally agree with being in front row on Transformers 🙂 really felt like Optimus was talking to me lol

By: Gian Franco Lombardo Wed, 16 Oct 2013 02:16:21 +0000 Im going the next week, It’s already finished?

By: Michele Festa Wed, 16 Oct 2013 01:14:24 +0000 Thanks for getting back to me. Damn I must have just missed it as I was there from 9/19 – 9/27. I would have loved to taken a picture of my sister and me sitting on the couch.

By: OrlandoInformer Tue, 15 Oct 2013 23:33:05 +0000 In reply to MicheleFesta.

MicheleFestaThe Simpsons couch gag photo op is directly across from the entrance to The Simpsons Ride. It opened over the weekend I think about three weeks ago, so you must have just missed it! As far as the street performers, I’m unsure how new that feature is or how often it’s performed. Maureen’s trip report was the first I’ve heard of it.

By: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 23:31:14 +0000 Michele Festa – The Simpsons couch gag photo op is directly across from the entrance to The Simpsons Ride. It opened over the weekend I think about three weeks ago, so you must have just missed it! As far as the street performers, I’m unsure how new that feature is or how often it’s performed. Maureen’s trip report was the first I’ve heard of it.

By: MicheleFesta Tue, 15 Oct 2013 22:42:35 +0000 Where exactly is the Simpsons couch gag souvenir photo and when did it open?  I was there a couple of weeks ago and didn’t see it.  I also wish that Universal team members were dancing in the streets of Springfield and entertaining park guests when I was there, I hate missing out on new things. 🙁

By: Michele Festa Tue, 15 Oct 2013 22:38:16 +0000 Where exactly is the Simpsons couch gag souvenir photo and when did it open? I was there a couple of weeks ago and didn’t see it. I also wish that Universal team members were dancing in the streets of Springfield and entertaining park guests when I was there, I hate missing out on new things. 🙁

By: Debi Rieser Dame Tue, 15 Oct 2013 22:24:05 +0000 Great pix – itchin’ to go back!

By: Roberta Geronzi Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:55:03 +0000 mmmm sig
