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Real guest reviews of Universal Orlando: The water rides at Islands of Adventure


Recently Orlando Informer introduced a new site feature that allows our readers to share reviews of the attractions and restaurants inside Universal Orlando’s theme parks. I want to say how much I appreciate all the incredible reviews that have been submitted so far (over 400!).

Since I enjoy reading your reviews so much — and learning even more tips and tricks about Universal — I thought it would be cool to have a way to share new submissions with everyone. So I’ve created this blog post series to highlight some of the most helpful and entertaining reviews submitted by our fans.

In no particular order, here are a few great “real guest reviews” of the water rides at Islands of Adventure: Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge-Rat Barges, Dudley Do-Right’s Ripsaw Falls, and Jurassic Park River Adventure.

Two IMPORTANT notes: All the links will open in a new window for your convenience, and please remember that guest reviews may contain spoilers!


Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge-Rat Barges

A Drenching Achievement & the Best Ride of its Kind | Submitted by Kyle T

Many an amusement park includes some sort of whitewater rapid ride as one of its token water attractions. Disney has even made two attempts – Grizzly River Rapids in Disney California Adventure, and Kali River Rapids near by in Disney’s Animal Kingdom. While both are scenically beautiful with climate-appropriate foliage, neither approach the genius design and execution of Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge Rat Barges.

Popeye & Bluto's Bilge-Rat Barges at Islands of Adventure.
Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge-Rat Barges at Islands of Adventure.

Most water rides exist only for one purpose: to get you soaked on a hot day. And let’s be clear, Popeye excels in accomplishing this. It is nigh impossible to avoid the water throughout the five minute duration of this ride, whether it be from creatively positioned water cannons controlled by non-riders, waves from the intense rapids, or fountains blasting you in Bluto’s Boathouse. If your goal is to get wet, this ride is for you. (What other raft ride actually drops you down a literal, vertical waterfall?)

But this is where most rides stop. Once you’re wet, the designers figure they’ve done their job. Popeye goes a step further and actually makes a concerted effort to place you in the world of the classic Popeye cartoons, telling a visually interesting and easy-to-understand story of the titular hero saving his sweetheart Olive Oyl from the baddie Bluto. The characters along the ride’s route are impressively animated & maintained given the watery conditions that plague some other water-logged robotics, while the toonified settings convincingly portray Sweet Haven and the surrounding areas. An indoor sequence featuring an enormous purple octopus is particularly impressive.

The ride is also impressively integrated with Toon Lagoon proper and provides visual & kinetic interest throughout the island. The queue and loading areas are well-themed and make waiting for the attraction anything but a chore – though luckily, due to high capacity and an efficient, rotating loading platform, the Bilge Rat Barges rarely see long lines, making this a great choice for any mid-day heat drought.

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Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge-Rat Barges

Family fun in the water | Submitted by Ricky T

Fun for the whole family!!! This ride is not intense, very mild on the body. But you will get SOAKED. the wettest ride Universal has by far!!! It will be like jumping into a pool with all your clothes on, but during the florida summer that’s exactly what I feel like doing!!!

Popeye & Bluto's Bildge-Rat Barges at Islands of Adventure.
Popeye & Bluto’s Bildge-Rat Barges at Islands of Adventure.

Fun for the whole family!!! This ride is not intense, very mild on the body. But you will get SOAKED. the wettest ride Universal has by far!!! It will be like jumping into a pool with all your clothes on, but during the florida summer that’s exactly what I feel like doing!!!

This is one of the few rides where you can watch the faces of your whole family while they are enjoying the ride. Normally you can’t see each other at all. But its my favorite to interact with your family, laughing and playing together. Seeing and predicting who is getting soaked next!!!

Some people come off this ride dripping with water, and very few lucky ones will leave with dry spots on their clothes. Its all good fun!!! Lots of twists, turns and gushes of water!

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Dudley Do-Rights Ripsaw Falls

The Perfect way to cool down…with some free laughs | Submitted by Marc Jones

This is THE best water ride across all of the Orlando parks. Picture the seen, its in the 90’s, you’ve been walking around all morning, its hot and you need to sit down and cool off. Ripsaw Falls has you covered, take a seat in the ride car and have some fun.

Dudley Do-Rights Ripsaw Falls at Islands of Adventure.
Dudley Do-Rights Ripsaw Falls at Islands of Adventure.

With this ride you are guaranteed to get soaked. And when I say soaked, I mean SOAKED, 100% wet through. Its awesome!

Insider Tip: Dont worry about paying a couple of $$ to get dry, if its a nice day, you’ll be dry in no time.

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Dudley Do-Rights Ripsaw Falls

It’s not the ride that drenches you… | Submitted by Ann

This attraction is a must-do during my annual trips to Orlando. Although I am not sure if children today even know who Dudley Do-Right is, for me, that just adds to the retro charm of this attraction.

Whether its the retro paint jobs, the standing cutout characters, or the clever puns inserted into the dialogue throughout the ride, the architects have made sure there is something to amuse everyone from child to adult. While Ripsaw Falls is complete with lots of fun fakeouts for the rider, the final drop does not disappoint, as you are hit with water from seemingly all directions.

That feeling doesn’t stop once you’re through the Falls, however. Be on the lookout for people operating the water cannons from the bridge! In all the times I’ve gone on this attraction, I have found that the folks on the bridge are more responsible for my wet clothing than the actual attraction.

Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls at Islands of Adventure.
Dudley Do-Right’s Ripsaw Falls at Islands of Adventure.

HELPFUL HINT: The “people dryers” aren’t worth the money you put in them. If you have the ability to, pack a change of clothing. Otherwise, plan to wear quick-dry clothing that wicks away water. Your body will thank you later!

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Jurassic Park River Adventure

Unexpected water thrill! | Submitted by Gloria S.

So picture this, you’re walking around IOA, it’s hot and humid. You see the Jurassic Park River Adventure and decide that this would be a great ride to help you cool off. You are absolutely correct. However this ride gives you much more than just a splash, it gives you what its name promises, an adventure.

Jurassic Park River Adventure at Islands of Adventure.
Jurassic Park River Adventure at Islands of Adventure.

Once you make it to the “boat” you begin your tour of Jurassic Park. You get to see the lovely dinosaurs and have some fun with the other Dino adventurers on the boat. But then suddenly, you realize something is off. Something that your tour wasn’t anticipating. Next thing you know you’re rushing away from danger, climbing upwards to escape from being some dinosaurs fast food, and suddenly, right when you least expect it, you fall… Right back into IOA.

This ride absolutely gave all that is expected and more. It had thrills, chills and will be leaving you wanting for more.

I recommend that everyone take one chance to experience an adventure that cannot be found elsewhere, with dinosaurs that are still alive today.

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Jurassic Park River Adventure

got up the nerve this time | Submitted by paula

having wimped out of this ride 10 years ago on my “once in a lifetime” holiday, I was kicking myself, i took one look at the drop and turned away. This time however I took my courage in both hands and loved it, sitting in your boat going gently through the river seeing as the lovely herbivores (or veggiesuars 😉 ) then your round the bend and mayhem starts, with raptors noise all around and the evidence of their escape, so busy are you looking out for the raptor’s it’s too late before you see king of the predators t rex, and before you can get your breath back from that you are hurtling down that huge drop, although it’s so quick it’s well worth the rest of the ride…

Jurassic Park River Adventure at Islands of Adventure.
Jurassic Park River Adventure at Islands of Adventure.

so much so i did it half a dozen times after that.

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Thanks to everyone who has submitted Universal attraction and restaurant reviews on our site! They help Orlando Informer become an even strong vacation planning resource, and reviews are a fun way for all of us to experience the parks from a new perspective.

To read more reviews of the attractions and restaurants inside Universal’s theme parks, or to submit your own reviews, click here.

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Marc Jones
Marc Jones
July 29, 2013 5:36 pm

Just got back this morning from a 2 week trip. Majorly bummed out.

Dan West
Dan West
July 29, 2013 6:16 pm

First of all, this should be renamed dunk in the water. Secondly, first time i went on this, i was shocked at what was coming when i past the ship/boat. You don’t see any of that from just watching the ride in a safe zone. ..

Roxanne DeJean Romero
Roxanne DeJean Romero
July 29, 2013 8:31 pm

was just there a couple weeks ago.We rode all the above rides & love them all.Just bring a change of clothes.

Debi Rieser Dame
Debi Rieser Dame
July 30, 2013 1:05 pm

It really would be nice if they realized a whole group of people who don’t enjoy getting wet are having to bypass these rides. They didn’t soak you when the park first opened because we were able to ride it then. There is nothing worse than sitting in wet pants in a wheelchair for the next few hours. Maybe they could have a “boat” and with a setting that turns off the extra water, but I don’t see that happening….

Dan West
Dan West
July 30, 2013 1:22 pm

mmm, quite a lot, defiantly down the back when you drop of the hill lift, is just luck is you get splashed or not as its the water in the river.

About Taylor Strickland

Taylor Strickland is the owner of Orlando Informer, the internationally awarded independent resource for guests visiting Orlando. In this position, he leads the website's overall direction and day-to-day operations, working with a team of writers, editors, developers, and producers.

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