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Battle it out with the rookies at Orlando Paintball – Florida’s largest indoor/outdoor paintball facility


Orlando is full of fun and excitement, no question. And the excitement is always better when you’re smack in the middle of it. That’s exactly what you’ll find at Orlando Paintball!

Orlando Paintball.
Orlando Paintball.

Located about 30 minutes from the attractions area, on the border of Orlando and Maitland (see map below), Orlando Paintball is the largest indoor / outdoor paintball facility in the entire state of Florida. We originally found out about it at a food truck gathering last Christmas, when my Husband and I came across a tent for Orlando Paintball. We thought it would be a great idea to buy some gift certificates so that stepson and husband could have some male bonding time — we were right.

The gift certificate covered two people for all day access. This included the gun, mask, goggles, and air for the gun. All that was left to purchase was the actual paintballs, a very large bag cost $25 and lasted six rounds for both husband and stepson. As we entered the building we saw lots of cool looking paintball guns and armor for sale.

Orlando Paintball.
Orlando Paintball.

Fellow patrons came through the doors, some wearing armor with a utility belt that even Batman would be proud of, full of extra canisters of ammo. My husband began to get a little nervous. Thankfully, the pros played together in their own group and the rookies were placed together.

The boys joined up a large group of fellow rookies, which was led by an employee of Orlando Paintball. Although he was super nice, when he led the group to the first field he did not go over the safety instructions thoroughly. The first round went by like lightning. Was this normal? It seemed to be over way too fast. As each person shot exited the field, it became evident that the guns were set on too high of a speed. Members of our group had huge welts and two ladies welts with broken skin.

After each round, the groups take a break, get their masks cleaned, refill their ammo, and check the air pressure on their guns. Our group spent the first break getting the guns’ speed adjusted. So that proved to be lesson one: make sure your guns are tested before you go out on the field, and be sure those on the field with you have done the same!

Orlando Paintball.
Orlando Paintball.

Each group rotates through the different fields and two indoor warehouses. Each venue has a different set up and a different objective. The Orlando Paintball employee briefly explains the rules and objective of each venue, though it seems most everyone is just ready to shoot paint at people and things, not paying much attention to the objective. Such was the case with my boys. Once the round is complete, the groups take a break and are then told which venue to head to next.

After the initial confusion of being a rookie wore off, my boys grew bolder and had more fun. It was a blast watching them go into full macho mode. I snapped a few pictures of them together, covering for each other. Even though the mesh got in the way, these photos are sure to be cherished memories for my husband.

Orlando Paintball.
Orlando Paintball.

Unfortunately, husband chose the hottest part of the day during the hottest time of year to finally cash in the gift certificate we had purchased months ago. The heat immediately got to them. The breaks helped, but we quickly purchased liquid refreshment from the lady who set up a food cart on the grounds. I would definitely recommend not going in the summer, but if you are so inclined, try to go in the evening.

As paintballs flew through the air, a few made it past the mesh barrier. Cars lined the street and some received a few splatters. I enjoyed being in the open air, but wished for slightly more comfortable arrangements for spectators like myself. It might be a good idea to bring along a beach or sport umbrella and some folding chairs to make it a more relaxing atmosphere for break time and for any spectators in the group.

Just as stepson got the hang of it and began to impress the rest of our group, fatigue set in. Our group’s rotation finally led them into one of the indoor venues. However, after two and a half hours of being in battle mode, husband and stepson had enough. They played two rounds in SWAT mode in the warehouse and then offered a big farewell to their friendly group.

Orlando Paintball.
Orlando Paintball.

Now that they’ve had their rookie experience, they’d like to share what they’ve learned with you.

  • Stay hydrated. It is a good idea to wear long sleeves and pants, even in the heat, to help absorb the force of the paintball. Therefore, you will be hot and sweaty and will need to replenish with lots of fluids.
  • Stay active. You may be tempted to “camp” at one of the barriers, but the longer you stay put the more you are putting yourself at risk of being an easy target.
  • Stay alert. My stepson started to get on a roll when he began to feel more comfortable and move around the field. He paid attention to what was happening around him and was able to take out more opponents.
  • Stay cool. Orlando Paintball opens at noon until about midnight and on Fridays and Saturdays they offer after hours fun until 6am! So you can easily take advantage of cooler times of the day and night.
  • Stay safe. Have fun and always keep your mask on and when you’re off the field turn the gun off.

Orlando Paintball – map & links

Click any marker to display the attraction or venue name. To scroll or zoom, use the controls on the top-left of the map. You may also switch to different map views by using the buttons on the top-right of the map.

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Official website:

Orlando Paintball – photo gallery

Click any image to view it full-screen. When the full-screen image is open, click to the right or use the right arrow on your keyboard to advance through the gallery.


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July 3, 2013 4:41 pm

Out of curiosity, did your players see the Instructional Safety Video when they signed in for registration that is at the facility?  Thank you.

About Dani

Born and raised in the land of sunshine and dreams-come-true, Dani has always had a passion for tourism and hospitality. She is a proud Orlando native who loves sharing her hometown with others. With work experience in theme parks, hotels, and reputation management she brings this background to her freelance writing endeavors. Follow her adventures on Twitter at @thisfloridalife.

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