I’d like to open this post so our readers can share stories about how a hurricane, tropical storm or severe weather altered their Orlando plans. In particular, have you had to rebook your visit to Universal, Disney, SeaWorld or the other destinations in Central Florida. How easy was it to reschedule? Do you incur fees? Could you get a refund?
If you were actually in Orlando during a period of severe whether, how did it go for you? Were the parks and hotels you visited accommodating?
Leave your comments below!
Some useful links:
Here are some additional thoughts about this topic: In general, because Orlando sits in the middle of Florida, hurricanes and tropical storms do not usually present our area with an imminent threat. There just are not very good odds that by the time the storm reaches this far inland, it will be much more than just some nasty wind and rain. And frankly, we get storms with nasty wind and rain at least once a week in the summer (or at least it feels like that). When the poor weather comes, usually what happens is people head indoors and any… Read more »
Comment left by another reader: We actually had a disney vacation planned over labor day a few of years ago and a hurricane hit before we were scheduled to leave Michigan. Disney was awesome and let us reschedule for another weekend at no cost. Our flights were with AirTran and they rebooked for another weekend, also at no cost to us. I can’t remember the name of the hurricane but I do remember it came inland and Disney did close for a couple of days due to damage. Doesn’t happen often but if it does they are great about compensating… Read more »
We were at Universal over Columbus Day weekend last year. There was a big tropical low that sat over Florida Saturday and Sunday and it poured for a good part of both days. Honestly, it did not ruin our trip in the least. We brought ponchos and, yes, we were wet pretty much the whole day but there were no lines anywhere. We did Forbidden Journey 4 times in a row then the Hippogriff 5 times in a row until I got a headache from all the motion and we finally stopped. We also had the most hilarious conversation with Bob the Talking Fountain,… Read more »